
Our History

As markets began to shift faster and faster, it was evident that the traditional approaches to leadership and business growth simply did not work as effectively as they once did. Based on the need for a new way of doing business both from a human capital and business strategy perspective, GLLG first began consulting with corporations in 2007. Through extensive research, proprietary people analytics, and dozens of one-on-one interviews with business visionaries, GLLG has been exploring the following question: How can leaders seize growth opportunities when they feel crushed and in turn stifle those they lead?


Our Mission

To build high-performance leaders, teams and cultures focusing on inclusion and the power of individuality.


Meet Glenn

Glenn is a senior advisor and speaker to Fortune 500 companies and organizations in retail, consumer packaged goods, healthcare and beyond. In 2019, he introduced his latest book, Leadership in the Age of Personalization. Glenn is a contributing writer to Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur Magazine and Huffington Post. He was recognized as a top 20 influential writer at Forbes and a top 100 leadership speaker and business thinker by Inc. Magazine. His writings, speaking engagements, and consulting assignments focus on operationalizing and leading growth in the age of personalization.

Meet Our Team

Jim Eber

Director, Content Strategy

Glenn Llopis

CEO & Chief Personalization Officer

Guilherme Oliveira

Director, Marketing & Strategy

Kim Perez

Senior Writer, Content Strategy

Annette Prieto

Vice President, Public Relations

Roland Schertenleib

VP, Digital Development

Sandy Sickler

Director, Client Relations

Paulo Silvano

Senior Designer, Marketing

Douglas Luvizutto

Senior Data Analyst, Digital Marketing Management

Jim Eber

Director, Content Strategy


Jim Eber

Director, Content Strategy

Brand Identity

Authenticity Articulator

What is he solving for?

I notice connections in thinking. I help people articulate their best, most authentic selves on page, the stage, and beyond.


Jim Eber is a veteran blogger, writer, and marketer specializing in general business, memoir, and food. He has written 22 books on food and business, including Leadership in the Age of Personalization: Why Standardization Fails in the Age of “Me,” The Hero Factor: How Great Leaders Transform Organizations and Create Winning Cultures, and Raising the Bar: The Future of Fine Chocolate. (Yes, people like him most when he is writing about chocolate.) Jim is a two-time judge for the James Beard Foundation Cookbook Awards and was part of the team that launched 15 New York Times bestsellers and six books that sold 1,000,000+ copies including Steven Raichlen’s How to Grill. Yet he has never been prouder to be part of something than his 16-year-old son’s charity: Simon Says Give – Worcester, which provides middle school backpacks filled with supplies and birthdays to at-need kids in Worcester, where they live.

Glenn Llopis

CEO & Chief Personalization Officer


Glenn Llopis

CEO & Chief Personalization Officer

Brand Identity

Identity Enabler

What is he solving for?

I’m an Identity Enabler: I enjoy helping people break free from the traps of unhealthy, standardized environments that lead to one's unhappiness.


Glenn Llopis (pronounced 'yō-pēs) is the Chairman of the Glenn Llopis Group (GLLG), a nationally recognized’ workforce development and business strategy consulting firm. A bestselling author of the books The Innovation Mentality and Earning Serendipity, Glenn has more than 25 years’ experience as an executive and entrepreneur. He is a senior advisor and speaker to Fortune 500 companies and organizations in retail, consumer packaged goods, healthcare and beyond. In 2019, he introduced his latest book, Leadership in the Age of Personalization. Glenn is a contributing writer to Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur Magazine and Huffington Post. He was recognized as a top 20 influential writer at Forbes and a top 100 leadership speaker and business thinker by Inc. Magazine. His writings, speaking engagements, and consulting assignments focus on operationalizing and leading growth in the age of personalization.

Guilherme Oliveira

Director, Marketing & Strategy


Guilherme Oliveira

Director, Marketing & Strategy

Brand Identity

Contextual Thinker

What is he solving for?

I like to help people see the big picture by creating stories and developing strategies that are grounded on the contextual reality but inspired by our dreams.


Guilherme Oliveira is a practical yet disruptive individual who is always questioning the status quo. As the Head Marketing & Strategy at GLLG, Guilherme is responsible for creating the bridge between content creation and its communication.

Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, Guilherme moved to US to attend University of California, Irvine (UCI), where he earned extension certificates in International Business Management and Marketing. Prior to this, Guilherme experienced working with brands such as Hasbro and Siemens.

Once a victim of standardization himself, he now understands the value of individuality and has become a passionate advocate for change in business, politics and society.

His thirst for change and freedom has led to his biggest passions: traveling and surfing. Guilherme values a simple and healthy lifestyle where he can expand his perspectives by exchanging knowledge, meeting new people and observing different cultures.

Kim Perez

Senior Writer, Content Strategy


Kim Perez

Senior Writer, Content Strategy

Brand Identity

Chaos Clarifier

What is she solving for?

I turn chaos into clarity. I take something complex and make it simple. I usually do that with words – I’m a writer who specializes in taking the jumble of ideas in someone’s head and making those thoughts clear. But I also study larger systems, like sidewalks, cities and global migration, to see and understand how people move around.


Kim Dixon Perez specializes in taking something complex and making it clear and compelling, whether she’s writing about genome sequencing for a client or turning Pasadena’s municipal code into haiku for fun.

She writes about healthcare, energy, finance, technology and leadership.

Harvard-trained in sustainability, Perez focused her master’s studies on urban resilience and public health. She proposed and is testing a new way to quantify sidewalk shade using GIS 3D modeling. She hopes to help policy-makers identify where people spend a dangerous amount of time in direct sun, and use that insight to help people remain safe during heat waves, to consider shade when designing for walkability, and to plan for more equitable access to shade across a city.

Annette Prieto

Vice President, Public Relations


Annette Prieto

Vice President, Public Relations

Brand Identity

Connector Unifier

What is she solving for?

I am a connector, lifter and unifier. I bring women together and motivate them to take risks.


Annette has a sales and marketing background with 25 years of professional experience in both the public and private sectors and brings that practice to GLLG. Annette spent ten years working in the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors with industry giants such as Allergan and GlaxoSmithKline. Annette began her career as a Language Arts middle school teacher in Hialeah, FL.

Annette was born and raised in Miami, FL and now lives in Orange County, CA with her husband and four-year old daughter. Annette is first generation Cuban-American and calls it “the best of both worlds.” She enjoys spending time with family and friends, spin classes and volunteering.

Roland Schertenleib

VP, Digital Development


Roland Schertenleib

VP, Digital Development


Roland Schertenleib is responsible for innovation & development of GLLG’s digital platforms. Mr. Schertenleib moved to the United States from Switzerland to assist a colleague launch a technology business – and one year later started his own agency focused on interactive design and development. Prior to this, Roland earned his MBA from the University of Zurich, attended the SAE College for Interactive Design and was a creative director with various advertising agencies in Europe.

With a focus on the development of both traditional and digital brands, Mr. Schertenleib works with small startups and large fortune 500 corporations alike delivering a high-quality innovative product as well as exceeding client expectations.

Sandy Sickler

Director, Client Relations


Sandy Sickler

Director, Client Relations

Brand Identity

Loyal Provider

What is she solving for?

I enjoy providing solutions that create betterment for others. I like helping others solve professional and personal choices or dilemmas through kindness and encouragement and also by demonstrating loyalty and trustworthiness.


Sandy Sickler is Director of Client Relations for GLLG where she is responsible for managing all new business development activities that include the marketing and sales of corporate training, keynotes, and consulting services that focus on building high performance leaders, teams and cultures.

Sandy’s daily focus is developing strong, trusted and long-lasting relationships with clients, colleagues, business partners and prospects. Creating innovative ways to provide programs, systems and tools to support the organization’s offerings is motivated by her passion for stellar client service.

Living the motto of “The true measure of one’s character is in how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good”, she believes that a person who may appear to provide you no value may indeed be your catalyst to opening doors to great opportunities.

Sandy holds a B.S. in Marketing from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio where she holds dear to her midwestern roots. She enjoys traveling with family and friends, has two adult daughters and lives in Southern California.

Paulo Silvano

Senior Designer, Marketing


Paulo Silvano

Senior Designer, Marketing

Brand Identity

Creative Connector

What is he solving for?

I help people express their thoughts in creative ways. I use art to make complex things simple and clear, so people can communicate their ideas in a way that others will immediately understand it.


Paulo Silvano is an artist, designer and enthusiastic gamer who combines creative talent with a spontaneous mind to create designs that capture the essence of what his peers want to communicate.

Paulo started providing solutions for GLLG in 2015 and is now a senior designer developing content for social media, presentations and more - managing the overall design for the organization’s brand assets in service of GLLG clients.

He began his career as a graphic designer and creative art assistant for Grupo Lernen in Sao Paulo, Brazil, developing digital layout and providing graphic design services. He also worked as audiovisual assistant for Modulo School in Sao Paulo, and as a freelance photographer and video producer for a prominent hair stylist in Brazil.

Silvano specializes in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and video, but his passion is gaming. He merges his enthusiasm for gaming with his creative skills to tackle challenges using gamification.

He is almost always peaceful and smiling, continuously teaching himself something new in order to expand his creative capabilities or just expand his horizons.

Douglas Luvizutto

Senior Data Analyst, Digital Marketing Management


Douglas Luvizutto

Senior Data Analyst, Digital Marketing Management

Brand Identity

Data Simplifier

What is he solving for?

I like to connect and simplify relationships through data. When you can decipher the user needs based on their digital compartment you can help them as a human being find the most appropriate solution for different types of problems.


Since August, 2021, Douglas has been the Senior Data Analytics Strategist at GLLG, responsible for analyzing digital marketing campaigns and to maximize the organization’s online engagement and marketing efforts. These efforts include email marketing campaigns, social media campaigns, PPC campaigns, and online branding efforts. Douglas also provides technical support in the development of websites and content production for the digital campaigns.

Douglas was a Compliance Supervisor with experience in Compliance, Advisory and Audit areas, having worked in companies of technology, transportation and agricultural sectors.

He began his career as a risk data analyst in an Advisory Company and was responsible since then to conduct several analyses to conduct different solutions according to the client’s needs, developing reports and strategies to drive the business to the most assertive path. He also worked as Compliance Supervisor on behalf a technology company, responsible for supervision and management of the team that conducted Microsoft Brazil spending processes, acting in front of the purchasing, sales, marketing, investments, donations, and others, respecting the company policies and Compliance guides.

Douglas really believes in power of the individuality and as a victim of standardization for so long, he also strongly believes that even more the Individual needs to define the brand and not the brand define the individual and for that leaders must embrace a new mindset. For him it’s obvious that we are already in the Age of Personalization!

Douglas is a sports and music lover that values a simple lifestyle with his family and friends.

The Age of Personalization


The Movement

We need each other more than ever. We’ve learned the hard way that many leaders have lost touch with the changing world around us. It’s time to create economies of scale around embracing human dignity. Our age of personalization demands it.

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Thought leaders

Join this distinguished group of thought leaders. Be an active part of something significant. Let’s redefine what leadership really means.

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GLLG’s Leadership in the Age of Personalization® Summits focus on guiding leaders and their organizations to shift their thinking from one of standardization to personalization, and the urgent need to acknowledge this shift by leading in a way that honors individuality.

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