
We must shift from ruling by standardization to leading with personalization

Many of the challenges we’re dealing with today are rooted in this unfortunate truth - we’ve ignored and suppressed people’s individuality at every turn. Many leaders spent too much time overengineering human capital and celebrating incrementalism in the comforts of their domain. The current state of standardization was designed to support a one-size-fits-all approach to create efficiency.

With more mass variances in people - both in the workplace and marketplace - we have become frustrated, exhausted and unhealthy. We are each responsible to recognize how standardization is limiting us, and then we are called to take action to do something about it – for ourselves and for others.


“The luxury of time is over. This pandemic has given us a front row seat to the real tensions that exist between the age of standardization and today’s age of personalization. The #BlackLivesMatter movement has awakened people the world over whose individuality has been taken away from them. We are breaking rather than bending. We must honor today’s age of personalization. We can’t expect people to change their mindset, attitude and behavior if the outdated systems and policies remain the same.”


CEO at GLLG and Founder of the Leadership In the Age of Personalization (LAOP) Movement.

The 5 Shifts to Lead in The Age of Personalization

The age of standardization is giving way to the age of personalization: it is becoming less about the organization defining the individual and more about the individual defining the organization. If you find the right balance between the following 5 shifts, you’ll create a healthy culture that will guide you to create the systems to optimize how you work, lead and conduct business. This process will bring discomfort to the status quo, while challenging your leaders and employees to experiment, explore and discover new possibilities.


From Diversity to Inclusion

Diversity does not automatically lead to inclusion. Inclusion is a system for making sure the organization is welcoming at every level to every individual. Leaders love to tout their commitment to diversity, even as they continue to hire and promote people who demonstrate the “thoughts” that have already been deemed worthy. In other words, they say they want diversity of thought and then they hire for conformity of thought.

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Stop Hiring for Confirmity in the Age of Personalization

From Tribal to Human

Tribal thinking in business puts people into the boxes they check (much like diversity) and divides departments, work and people. This makes the people in the silos less cross-functional, collaborative and communicative. What’s the point of bringing diversity into your organization if you don’t let people share what makes them distinct?

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The Right Fit Is Code For Exclusion In This Age Of Personalization

From Brand Identities to Individual Identities

Finding ways to let individual identities impact the brand can be powerful. Organizations that make employees and consumers feel included and understood on an individual level will have a huge advantage over those that don’t.

read more on forbes

Shift Focus From Brand Identity To Individual Identity In The Age Of Personalization

From Mission to Contribution

Every organization has a mission, vision or value statement and employees will buy into it on the surface because there is no freedom not to. But why should that matter, if what is most meaningful to people is to know they have a chance to contribute their unique skills and strengths.

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Your Organization’s Mission Shouldn’t Be More Valuable Than Your Contribution To

From Results to Methods

“Results” is not a negative word. But too often our focus on results keep us from seeking bigger opportunities to grow in the future. When you let people break free from the standards of the past and attack challenges in their own way, you open up new possibilities through experimentation.

read more on forbes

Unless You Ditch The Old Standards, You’ll Never Be Distinct

The Age of Personalization


The Movement

We need each other more than ever. We’ve learned the hard way that many leaders have lost touch with the changing world around us. It’s time to create economies of scale around embracing human dignity. Our age of personalization demands it.

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Thought leaders

Join this distinguished group of thought leaders. Be an active part of something significant. Let’s redefine what leadership really means.

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GLLG’s Leadership in the Age of Personalization® Summits focus on guiding leaders and their organizations to shift their thinking from one of standardization to personalization, and the urgent need to acknowledge this shift by leading in a way that honors individuality.

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